Personal assistance may enable a person with a disability to get up and go to bed when he/she wants, eat what and when he/she wants, complete household tasks, attend social events outside the home, access education, earn an income, and care for the family.

People with disabilities are able to access personal assistance which meets their needs and enables them. We all are dependent on each other. Nobody can perform all the tasks necessary to sustain his lifestyle. So, people instead of fixing their own car take it to a mechanic to lead active and fulfilling lives. Personal assistance can be provided through informal means, such as family members and friends, or through formal means, such as private employees or social services

Making our NDIS participants able of living independently without facing problems, personal assistance is the right option to avail. We can provide assisted living and personal care. This includes daily routine tasks and chores. This includes;

  • Cooking, eating, cleaning 
  • Bathing and toileting
  • Holiday
  • Camping
  • Attending events
  • Sporting 
  • Community services 
  • Using Library

This type of support and company enables the participant to establish a healthy and efficient lifestyle. 

  • People may require support or personal assistance in everyday activities to enable them to overcome barriers and live with greater independence. This can range from occasional support up to support of 24 hours per day. The activities may include support with personal care, eating, dressing, household work, shopping, assistance at work and during leisure time, as well as in communicating, structuring the day, or similar cognitive or psycho-social support.
  • Personal assistance is a tool that allows for independent living. It is purchased through earmarked cash allocations for abled participants, the purpose of which is to pay for any assistance needed.
  • Personal assistance should be provided on the basis of an individual needs assessment and depending on the life situation of each individual. The rates allocated for personal assistance to abled participants need to be in line with the current salary rates in each country. 
  • Abled participants must have the right to recruit, train and manage their personal assistants with adequate support, if they choose, and should be the ones that choose the employment model which is most suitable to their needs.


Agency or state (i.e. municipality) directed “home care” services are based on the medical model, whereas consumer-directed personal assistance services are based on the Independent Living model. 

Personal assistance is not the assistance of nurses, social workers, charities, the church, or medical professionals. Personal assistance is controlled and managed by the abled participants, to facilitate their self-determination and independence on their own terms. Anything else, regardless of what it is called, contravenes the aims and philosophy of the original concept developed by the Independent Living movement.

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